Friday 2 April 2010

Stalking - not just unhealthy behaviour.......

The idea of going through a friends pictures on facebook and checking their profile on a regular basis isn't stalking, but adding someone that you don't know then going through all their photos and checking their profile constantly, I think there is an argument to say that is stalking.....albeit in a milder form.

Reading the guardian article below really shocked me, it made me realise how many people out there actually fall victim to a stalker, apparently 1 in 5 women will have a stalker at some point during their lives for at least 6 months, the figure for men is 1 in 10 - which I found even more shocking.

The mental anxiety and trauma that the victims experience proves that stalking isn't just bad behaviour but a serious crime that should be punished more seriously. I can't understand why something really bad has to happen to victims before the police will take it seriously and act on it. If someone is going to a lot of trouble to find out where you live and work, follow you home, call you repeatedly and threaten the people you care about, that should be enough, in my opinion, to get someone thrown in jail.

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