Wednesday 31 March 2010

Infidelity: there's no excuse

Whatever problems 2 people have in a relationship, for me there is no excuse for cheating, if one of them is that unhappy they should at least have the decency to be honest with their partner and split up amicably before someone gets hurt.

In a marriage, I believe this principle applies even more as you have taken that step as a couple to dedicate yourselves to each other forever (well thats the intention anyway). Cheating instantly breaks that promise and in my opinion the trust is then completely gone. Some of reasons that people cheat on their spouses are including on the below link:

Some of these include: 'I need some space,' 'You don't listen to me' and (yes, really) 'I can't help myself.' The last one reminded me of someone (see left).
All of these are just a few of the pathetic, childish and downright unacceptable excuses that people come up with simply because they just feel like sleeping with someone else. If people haven't got the decency to not cheat in the first place, they could at least be truthful about why they did it.

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