Monday 3 May 2010

Response to Karrie-Ann's 'Littering' blog

I hadn't thought of littering as a form of bad behaviour until I saw your blog, then I thought, why haven't I thought of this before? It is bad behaviour and theres no excuse for it, except for plain laziness and ignorance. In a society where we have to be conscious of the environment, its just disgusting behaviour to throw something or spit chewing gum on the floor when there are plenty of public dustbins around. But its not only the environment it affects, its our wallets as well. Hundreds of thousands of the taxpayers' hard earned cash goes to cleaning chewing gum off the streets every year and what's even more ridiculous, half the people spitting it out are probably taxpayers as well! completely ignorant to the fact they are ultimately paying to have it cleaned up. What a silly way to waste money.....

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