Tuesday 20 April 2010

Response to Laura's Abortion Blog


I completely agree with Laura that there are many valid reasons as to why women choose to go through an abortion and that if done early enough, it isn't simply 'killing your baby.' I have never been pregnant nor had an abortion but I do sympathize with women who make the difficult decision to go through such a procedure. If a teenager, for example, becomes pregnant and doesn't feel that she is emotionally ready, let alone financially prepared for a child then she should be granted the right to make an informed choice. The alternative would be to bring a child into the world without the support and stability they need. I believe it is all down to the individual. All women feel ready to have children at different times and places in their lives, and for those who aren't ready I think plenty of responsibility is required. With the amount of free contraception and clinics available in the UK to help women of all ages there isn't really an excuse to not take any precaution. But for those who accidentally become pregnant or fall victim to an attack, the option and support should always be there. For me, that isn't being bad, it is making a sensible decision that is right for everyone concerned.

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