Monday 19 April 2010

The facebook generation

As I write this blog I find myself continously flicking onto facebook to see if anyone has posted anything interesting or come on for a's addictive, never mind completely distracting from what I'm supposed to be doing.......

Everyone's at it, if they're not on facebook then its Twitter or MySpace (although that one has gone out of fashion since a computer whizz from Harvard decided it was time for new social network). Today, it is commonplace for couples to log on and change their status from 'in a relationship' to 'single' as soon as they break up, or if you have some funny photos from a drunken night out - one of your first priorities is to get them uploaded for everyone to see.

Is this because we genuinely want to share all our experiences with our "friends" which, I think most people would admit, are a much smaller group of people than the ridiculous amounts of people we have added as close aquaintances. Or is it more likely that some of us feel the need to keep updating our profiles to compete with those infuriating people who look like they're always doing something fabulous and exciting? Or am I just being cynical??

I know I sound like one of those anti-facebook people but I'm not, I actually think it is a great (as well as free) way to stay in touch with friends who have moved away. One of my best friends is in Australia and Facebook or Skype is the only way I can stay in touch without running up a horrific phone bill.

My only concern is how long will it be before the only way human beings communicate with one another is through social networks, e-mail or an i-phone? I know it sounds far-fetched but think about it, Apple have brought out the i-pad so now we can read all our books online as well, so I guess all the library's in the world can eventually be converted into apartments while we all walk around looking at a piece of technology where we can e-mail, read a book and listen to music all at the same time.

It appears to be the way the world is going, for the next generation, facebook will be as outdated as a bog-standard mobile phone. I might sound a bit old-fashioned, but it just seems a bit of a shame.........what's wrong with a good old book and chat over the phone, or god forbid, face to face conversation!

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