Saturday 1 May 2010

Response to Tom's 'Technology: A Bad influence?'

I agree with Tom that we (humanity) have become dependent on technology to survive. Without it now the world would probably stop turning, the point you've made about future generations not knowing life without computers and all the latest gadgets means if there was a major crash, there would also be major panic. My cousin is 9 years old and has a Nintendo Wii, 2 PSP's and a pretend mobile phone (her parents have drawn the line there - for the next couple of years anyway). I think we need to accept that the world is changing and developing at a rapid pace that we need to keep up with otherwise we get left behind. It almost makes me dread becoming a parent! I can't imagine the gadgets they'll have invented by then that kids will be demanding for birthday and Christmas presents, you'll have that constant pressure to provide them with the latest technology to keep up with their friends. Theres not much we can do about it though, so the sooner we adapt and accept the digital future the easier it will become. Either that or I'll insane and move to a small island.

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