Wednesday 28 April 2010

Response to Briony's 'Nasty Comedians' blog

I agree with Briony that whether or not you consider a comedian to be 'nasty' or not depends on what the individual finds offensive. I think there are many subjects that comedians can get away with, especially if they relate it to themselves, such as Alan Carr talking about being bullied at school for wearing glasses, having botched teeth and always being picked last for the sports team. He gets away with this because he is making jokes about himself, even though he is discussing sensitive topics affecting groups in society.

Briony's example of Jimmy Carr making a joke about diabetes represents risky territory, the subject of illness and serious medical conditions is, in my opinion, one that isn't really funny, definitely when it is life-threatening. My best friend grew up suffering with asthma and I know if I heard a comedian make a joke about it, I would be offended. I think it's healthy to laugh at our problems, but there is a fine line between being a nasty comedian and just being plain nasty.

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