Tuesday 13 April 2010

Adrenaline junkies

A definition of 'junkie' is 'one who has an insatiable interest or devotion.'
An adrenaline junkie and someone who enjoys doing adventurous activities are two very different things. People who thrive off adrenaline in situations that could be of danger to themselves tend to crave this feeling again and again. Could it be argued then that being an adrenaline junkie is a form of addiction?
The link below goes into more detail about the behaviour and lifestyle an adrenaline junkie leads:
Having a fear of heights has prevented me from doing a few things that have looked both dangerous and extremely fun, although I have been para-gliding (which turned out to be more relaxing than exciting) and I've been to a shooting club while on holiday in Brazil (which doesn't sound that amazing, but shooting a .40 hand gun loaded with bullets for the first time definately gets your adrenaline going)!
There is something alluring about doing something out of the ordinary, that is potentially dangerous. Some people live their day-to-day life feeling so bored that they don't really feel alive, so want to take a risk. Some people opt for a change in career or start an affair, adrenaline junkies go skydiving or do a bungee jump.
I can see where they are coming from, after all, they say being close to death is when you feel your most alive.

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