Sunday 21 March 2010

Prescription Drugs

When people talk about drugs, they tend to focus on illegal drugs rather than those available simply through the signature of a doctor - prescription drugs.

The images on the left show just a couple of examples of tragic cases where doctors have signed prescription after prescription unaware that the 'symptoms' of their patients are merely an excuse to feed their addictions. This has so often been the case in recent times with celebrities, who seem even more vulnerable in these situations as people so rarely say no to them. The case with Michael Jackson is similar to that of Elvis, where their status alone means doctors don't say no to them and if they do, they'll go to someone else.

To me, this proves the case for not legalising drugs. When people are dying through overdoses of legal drugs where only a prescription is required, imagine the situation if they were readily available on a pharmacy shelf. I think there are too many people that would take them just because they could, like alcohol. When certain people are going to the trouble of lying to a doctor about their condition to feed a habit, giving drugs to them on a plate doesn't help, it would just shorten the path to their self-destruction.

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