Tuesday 23 February 2010

Is Smoking Sexy?

The idea of that question is to provoke some sort of response or thought as to what we think when we see someone smoking a cigarette, or what we feel when smoking one ourselves. I can imagine many people reading it will think what a shallow, ignorant question to ask, as I thought myself when I came across an article written by Cassie Rhea Little, a student writing for the OU Daily in Oklahoma. http://oudaily.com/news/2008/aug/28/column-smoking-sexy/

But when you think about it, smoking has and still is used to promote sex; in films for example.

As well as James Dean; Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Edie Sedgwick all used to smoke.

In this particular picture, if James isn't holding the cigarette he wouldn't look sexy but instead like he is trying to hold a rather awkward pose for the camera, the cigarette transforms the image.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we should all walk around holding cigarettes and damaging our health for the sake of possibly looking more attractive, as yes, that would be very shallow. This is purely an observation and possible reason why some people would choose to smoke, socially anyway. In my mid to late teens, I would have the odd cigarette at parties or in bars if offered one. It wasn't something I needed, but something I chose to do with a drink and if I'm being honest, as a nieve teenager, it did make me feel better about myself, more grown up and therefore.......quite sexy! I don't smoke socially anymore, simply because I don't feel the need to and can't be arsed to go outside and stand in the cold everytime I have one (its not quite the same as being able to stand by the bar with your friends and your drink)!

I personally believe everyone has their own personal reasons for smoking, drinking, whatever 'bad behaviour' it is they choose to indulge in. When it comes down to it though, doesn't everybody have a vice to make life a little less stressful in the complex world we now live in? As long as its not at anyone else's expense, and if it makes you look a bit sexier.........its your life.

I've also included one of my favourite clips from Sex and the City, which uses smoking to show changes in lifestyle; in this case definitely for the worse........


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